Monday, December 1, 2008

Dear Artists in Confrontational Ceramics,

I thought you would be interested in knowing that the New York Times (Sunday, November 30) reviewed our show, and I think it is a review we can feel proud of. It is not often that ceramic shows even get reviewed in the Times, but it is something that you certainly can add to your resume.

There will be a closing party on December 11, from 5:00-8:00 and it would be great to see you all so we can celebrate. There have been a number of inquiries from various museum locations for the show to travel. However, since I had little time prior to the show to arrange for it, your works will be returned and I will start up again fresh for the next round. I am in the process of applying for grants.

If you can't make it to the closing, I wish you all a most wonderful holiday and the best in the coming year.

I am most appreciative of your participation and the quality and heartfelt issues you have raised in your work. The issues are poignant and never more needed than now.

Here is the link to the Times review:

All best,
